Visit Indonesia, You Have To Taste These Indonesian Food

If you visit Indonesia, one of things that you wanna do is you try testing its food. Yea, so in this article I wanna recommend you a few Indonesian food that you have to taste. 

1. Rendang
Rendang is traditional food originated among Minangkabau people in West Sumatra, Indonesia. But you can find this anywhere in Indonesia specially in Rumah Makan Padang or Padang Restaurants. Padang is one of cities in Indonesia and capital city of West Sunatera. It indicates to Minangkabau people also. Rendang is rich dish of meat, commonly is beef.

2. Sate
Sate Madura 
Sate Padang
Sate Maranggi
Sate or Satay is skewered and grilled meat, served in a sauce. Sate or Satay known by other names across Southeast Asia. We have beef, chicken, goat meat sate even rabbit sate in some district or places. We have few kinds of sate. A few of them are Sate Madura, Sate Padang, and Sate Maranggi. These are so famous and you can find it anywhere street in Indonesia. Sate Madura comes from Madura. This dish served in peanut sauce and additional served in kecap manis. So easy to find this food in Indonesia, usually street food seller will sell it in the evening till at night. Sate Padang is speciallity satay from Minangkabau cuisine, same as Rendang. The different between sate Madura and Sate Padang is sauce. Sate Padang has thick yellow sauce made from rice flour. Then, sate Maranggi is speciallity from Sundaneses cuisine. If you go to west Java or Jawa Barat, you have to taste this kind of sate. This sate served  in sambal.

3. Nasi Goreng
Nasi Goreng is Indonesian version of fried rice. But actually this dish is commonly in Malaysia and Singapore also. Indonesian can eat this dish as breakfast or dinner. Nasi goreng is commonly served with eggs on the side or mixed in the rice.

4. Bakso
Bakso Telur 
Bakso Urat
Bakso Beranak
Bakso Malang
Bakso or meatball. Bakso is Indonesia's meatball soup. There are many variations of bakso in Indonesia, but all of them have three main ingredients: broth, noodles, and meatballs. It can be found anywhere in Indonesia, street food or restourant. Additionally added usually wontons, boiled eggs and tofu out or inside of bakso. Kinds of bakso above, you can find easily anywhere in Indonesia. 

5. Mie Ayam
Usually if Indonesian sells Bakso, they will sell Mie Ayam also. Mie ayam and Bakso is like a partner on bowl. Usually I often order Mie Ayam Bakso. Mie ayam is dish of seasoned yellow wheat noodles topped with diced chicken meat (ayam). 

Mie Ayam with Bakso

6. Nasi Padang
Nasi Padang or Padang rice is Minangkabau steamed rice served with various choices of dishes include Rendang on it. There are two mathods of serving. You can choose ordering or serve. Ordering means the customer examines the window display then choose the dish and orders directly from waiter. If serving, you can sit and after that waiters will immediately serve dozens of small dishes filled with beef rendang, fish curried, stewed greens, eggplant, chicken (I love chicken pop and jackfruit curry when visit rumah makan padang or padang restourant, you should taste it. Oh ya, you should taste padang egg and the sambal also), and other dishes. You will pay plates that you take. So, if you take so much food from so many plates, you have pay all of you take it. Oh ya, you can choose to take away also if on hurry or wanna take home. 


7. Soto
Soto is a traditional Indonesian soup made with types of meat and vegetables. There are so many kinds of soto in Indonesia. Few provinces has their own special soto. But you can find the kinds of them not just in their provinces, you can find everywhere in Indonesia. Soto can be also served anytime, morning, afternoon, or evening. There are few kinds of soto in Indonesia. These are soto with their origin: soto lamongan, soto banjar, soto betawi, soto padang, soto lenthok, soto makassar, soto kudus, soto surabaya, soto sokaraja, soto medan, kebumen, soto pacitan, soto madura, soto bandung, soto kwali solo. 
Soto Lamongan
(photo: Instagram/@sotolamonganmbakmar) 

Soto Betawi
(photo: Instagram/@a_little_bubu) 

Soto Makassar
(photo: Instagram/@surabayafoodies) 

Soto Banjar
(photo: Instagram/@dapoersikoko) 

Soto Kwali/Batok
(photo: Instagram/ 

8. Rawon
You can find this dish in Java Island easily specially in East Java or Jawa Timur. This dish from Jawa Timur. Rawon is Indonesian beef soup with drak color and nutty flavor. The back color because of kluak nut. Rawon served with salt agg (telur asin), sambal, and sprouts (kecambah), and rice. 

9. Gado Gado, Pecel, Ketoprak, Keredok
Gado gado is an Indonesia salad with a spicy peanut sauce dressing. Salad made with several steamed vegetables and accompanied by boiled eggs and potatoes, fried tofu and tempe, as well as lontong or ketupat (rice cake).  This dish come from Jakarta. The other same dishes with peanut sauce are Pecel, Ketroprak, and Kredok. Pecel is from Jawa Tengah, Yogyakarta, Jawa Timur (only boild vegetables) you can find this everywhere. Ketoprak from Jakarta or Cirebon (Mie, tofu) You can find this dish everywhere, Keredok from West Java (fresh vegetable: long beans, cucumber, sprouts, cabbage, basil leaves) you can find this dish everywhere in Indonesia. 
Gado Gado
(photo:pawon istimewa/tokopedia) 

10. Sambal Terasi
I dunno, you will like this one or not. Some foreigner don't like this sambal because so smell. But Indonesian like it so much, include me, hehe... Sambal Terasi is Indonesian chili sauce made from mix of chilies, garlic, salt, tomatos, palm sugar, and most importantly is terasi. Terasi/balacan/shrimp paste is block of fermented tiny shrimps. 

11. Pempek
Pempek also known empek-empek is a savoury Indonsian fishcake made with ground fish meat and tapioca flour and then forming the dough into a specific shape. Every shapes have names. Such as pempek selam (filling egg), pastel (filling papaya), kulit (mix with fish skin), tahu (with tofu), lenjer (long), dos (round). Pempek can be served with a sweet and sour sauce called cuko or cuka.  Cuko sauce made from palm sugar, vinegar, garlic, salt, chili peppers, and water that are cooked.  This dish from Palembang, South Sumatera. But you can find it anywhere in Indonesia. 

12. Gudeg
If you visit Yogyakarta, Indonesia, you should taste this. Gudeg is a dish from Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia. This dish made with unripe jackfruit cooked in coconut milk. The common condiments served with gudeg are rice, chicken, eggs, tempe, or tofu. Usually packed in besek or a package made out of woven bamboo. This dish is eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. 

13. Bebek Betutu
If you visit Bali, you should taste this food. Bebek Betutu is a dish from Bali. Actually we have two variants, bebek or duck and ayam or chicken. This dish is famous and delicious with combination of Balinese spices.

14. Woku
Ayam woku is a culinary from Manado, North Sulawesi. The meat used in woku dosen't have to be limited to juat chicken, but can be used beef, pork, and seafood. But the famous is used chicken. Chicken cooked in herbs and chillies. The name of dish come from woka leaf (Livistona altissima, a genus of palm). These leaves are often used as a food wrapper also and the food will taste more delicious. 

15. Papeda

Papeda is a dish from Papua and Maluku. Papeda is Sago Porridge. It has a thick and sticky texture, transparent white and has a fresh taste. Papeda is rich in fiber and low in cholesterol. So many variations of the menu can accompany this porridge, such as yellow tuna, cork fish, snapper, or with vegetables. 

16. Seblak
Seblak is a Sundanese savoury and spicy dish, originating from Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. This dish made of wet krupuk, krupuk is Indonesia's tradisional crackers. It cooked with protein sources such as egg, chicken, seafood or beef with spicy sauce. 

17. Nasi Kuning
(photo: instagram/bekal_pel) 
 (Photo:Instagram@milokitchen) ( putra tanjung)
Nasi kuning or yellow rice is Indonesian rice dish cooked with coconut milk and turmeric. The dish is assembled out of other Indonesian dishes and complements such as fried chicken, sambel telur (egg) or sliced omelet, perkedel (mashed potatoes with egg), shrimps, fried tofu or tempe, cucumber, noodles, and the important is sambal. 
18. Opor Ayam
(photo: shutterstock/Ratih Ra) 
Opor Ayam is Indonesian dish with chicken cooked and braised in coconut milk and Indonesian spices. Opor from Central Java, but now you can find anywhere in Indonesia. Opor is popular dish for lebaran or Eid and usually eaten with ketupat and the important is sambal. 

19. Mie Aceh
Mie Aceh or Aceh Noodle is an Achenese curried spicy noodle dish. From the name, we can see that this dish from Aceh Province. This dish use thick yellow noodle with rich spicy curry and in addition, usually consists of slices of beef, goat meat, lamb, mutton, and seafood, as well as vegetables such as spring onions, bean sprouts, cabbage, and tomatoes. This dish come fried (goreng) and im the form of a soup (kuah). 

Allright guys, maybe only it that I can explain to you. Actually there are so many other food. If you visit Indonesia, don't hesitate to taste all of them. Thanks for coming and reading on my this blog. You can read other articles on sidemap list. There are articles in English. But so sorry if there are so many error in my english because i am still learning also. So, see youu next articles guys... 

Indonesian cuisine, Indonesian food, Indonesian famous food, Indonesian culinary, Culinary in Indonesia, Indonesian tourism

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