Indonesia's Dissert Street Food, You should taste these when Visit Indonesia

One of the interesting things while visit a country is street food. Sure, we always wanna taste it. As Indonesian, i recommended you to taste a few of them in Indonesia. These are street food in Indonesia :

1. Somay and Batagor

Somay and Batagor are traditional food from Bandung, West Java. But now, we can find them anywhere in Indonesia. If you glince maybe you will find it same, a food with peanut sauce. But actually those are different. 

Somay Bandung is Indonesian steamed fish dumplings served in peanut sauce. Sometime we can find it with egg and vegetable. Somay derived from Chinese food. Batagor (Bakso Tahu Goreng / Fried Meatball and Tofu) is fried fish dumpling served in peanut sauce. Different with somay, this dish has combination tofu and meatball. In Bandung there are bataagor served in soup and in peanut sauce.


Somay (source pict :


2. Martabak Manis and Martabak Telur

Martabak is fried stuffed pancakes. However, in Indonesia we have two kinds of these foods : martabak telur (pan fried bread with eggs or sometime we filled vegetable inside) and martabak manis (sweet pancake with various sweet toppings).

Martabak Telur

Martabak Manis (source pict

3. Gorengan (Pisang goreng, Pisang Coklat, Pisang Molen, Tahu Isi, Tempe goreng, Bakwan/Bala Bala) 

So easy to find gorengan seller in Indonesia, You can find it anywhere. There are so many kinds of gorengan (deep fried snacks) and there are sellers who fried it till deep. I will give you information few of them. First is Fried banana or pisang goreng. Pisang goreng is sweet ripe bananas are covered in flour then deep fried till golden brown. Second is pisang coklat or bananas chocolate is slices of banana with melted chocolate wrapped inside thin crepe like pastry skinn and being deep fried. Third is Pisang molen. Banana molen is just another banana flitter in Indonesia. Ripe banana wrap with cruchy flour. After that tahu isi or tahu bunting is tofu with vegetable inside then covered in flour and deep fried till golden brown. Next is Tempe goreng. Tempe is fermented soybeans. Tempe goreng is tempe covered in flour and deep fried in hot oil. Bakwan or in West Jawa we called it Bala Bala is vegetable mix with flour and deep fried in hot oil.

Piscok (source pict : instagram @koh_aming)

Tempe Goreng (source pict :Shuttertstock @Rifki Alfirahman

Pisang Goreng

Bakwan/Bala Bala (source pict

Pisang Molen

Tahu isi / Tahu Bunting

4. Cireng, Cimol, Cilok, Cilor, Cilung, Sempol Ayam, Telur Gulung

These foods from tapioca. Cireng is from tapioca flour or sago starch. Sometime we fill it with spicy meat or spicy chicken inside. Cimol is from tapioca flour or sago starch and has rounded sharp. We serve cimol with chili powder. Cilok is tapioca ball dumplings serve in peanut sauce or spicy sambal. Cilor is  skewered tapioca ball deep fried with egg coatings. Usually cilor are seasoned with powdered flavorings, chili sauce or sweet soy sauce. Cilung is made from tapioca flour and then it will be dipped into chicken eggs and be fried. Usually seller serve it with various topping such as peanut sauce, chili powder, chili sauce mix soya been sauce. Sempol is mix of chicken meat with  tapioca flour. The taste is savory and the texture is chewy. Usually the topping is chili sauce or mix with soya bean sauce. Telur gulung is egg roll made from egg and roll it with bamboo stick. 

Sempol (source pict

Cilung (source pict :

Cireng (source pict : insident24)

Cireng isi

Telur Gulung  (source : instagram/@tin.tinkitchen)

Cilok (source : instagram/@debbie_ariesthea

Cilor  (source : instagram/@riskajuliannaa


5. Pempek

Pempek or mpek-mpek is  typical of fishcake made from fish and tapioca and this is tradisional food from Pelembang, South Sumatera, Sumatera Island, Indonesia. 

6. Es Doger 

 Es Doger is typically made up of coconut milk. It's look like a coconut ice cream with red tapioca pearls, avocado, cassava tapai, black glutinous rice tapai, jackfruit, and chocolate condensed milk.

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7. Es Campur

Es campur is typically made up of shaved ice, shredded young coconut flesh, jackfruit, tapioca pearls, grass jelly or agar jelly, tape, avocado, chunks of bread, drizzle with red syrup and condensed milk.

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8. Es Dugan / Degan / Kelapa Muda

This is young coconut ice. Sometime we add sugar or syrup to serve it.

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9. Es Dawet/Cendol

This is Javanese dessert made  from rice flour or glutinous rice flour, served with ice, coconut milk, and sugar syrup.

Es Dawet / Es Cendol (

10. Rujak Buah / Petis

Rojak buah or rujak buah or petis is basically a fruit salad. But in Indonesia we serve it with chili sugar sauce or chili salt powder.

11. Jajanan Pasar

Hunting jajanan pasar or traditional cakes is uniqe things that you have to do in Indonesia. Indonesia has so many cultures. Every provinces or etnics have their own tradisional foods or cakes. Now i wanna talk about cakes. If you visit pasar or market or stand stand of cakes in the morning or afternoon you can find so many of cakes from all Indonesia provinces and etnics and Indonesian modern cakes in front of you. You just need to take it or point it what you want to seller. They will take it for you on your pack. You can bring it back and taste it soon. Usually these are wet cake spoil easily, can't be stored for long.

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Read also my article :

You Have to Taste This When Visit Indonesia (On English Tag)

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